- არა. - თქვა მუშამ.
- John he has not seen a flying worker. Please show him.
- Okey boss.
* * *
- But boss how can he see a flying worker if he will be a flying worker ?
- Jackass its a nice talk only i want him just flying.
- Boss dont talk to me with this expressions. I am getting all over it.
- You fucking dick sucker do what i say or I m gonna fuck your mothers fat ass next.
- You fucking asshole learn to fly !
* * *
- ე ჯონ რატომ მიფრინავს ჩვენი ძმა ?
- Come there and I ll explain it in details.
- ე ხელი გაწიე ბიჭო.
- Modi ak metkvi !
- წადიშენი.
- aaaaaaaaaaaaa kb...